Organization Design

In order to implement a successful strategy implementation, there must be consistency between the strategy and the way the organization is organized. There is no “best practice” solution on how every company must design its organization. But common to all, is that the how organization is build, and its structure should be based on the company’s business strategy. And it must support the realization of the vision and objectives. At the same time the structure contributes to coherence between strategy, processes, skills, management style and culture.

High performance means

  • Optimal framework for the implementation of the strategy
  • Good working conditions and good working environment
  • High level of commitment
  • Focus on goals and results
  • Improved performance
  • Faster quality development

A new organizational design

Organization design must provide a meaningful framework for managers and employees in their daily work for the company, and make way for commitment, ownership and efficiency. Our approach is to agree on a specific approach to each task. Task performance is likely to include interviews with key personnel, collection and recording of facts, workshops, benchmarking with other companies, as well as preparing and documenting solutions and associated business case or similar. We have implemented organizational design tasks in many types of businesses and organizations, and we have extensive experience in proposing effective and situation-specific solutions.


Jesper Høegh +45 42422100
Bjarne Kastberg, +45 40353575


For at kunne gennemføre en succesfuld implementering af en strategi, skal der være overensstemmelse mellem strategien og den måde organisationen er organiseret på. Der findes ikke ”én” rigtig løsning på, hvordan den enkelte virksomhed skal designe sin organisation. Men fælles for alle er, at organisationens opbygning og struktur skal tage udgangspunkt i virksomhedens forretningstrategi og skal understøtte realiseringen af visionen og målene. Samtidig skal strukturen medvirke til, at der er sammenhæng imellem strategi, processer, kompetencer, ledelsesstil og kultur.

Høj performance betyder

  • Optimale rammer for implementering af strategien
  • Gode arbejdsvilkår og godt arbejdsmiljø
  • Høj grad af forpligtigelse
  • Fokus på mål og resultater
  • Bedre performance
  • Hurtigere kvalitetsudvikling

Et nyt organisationsdesign

Organisationsdesignet skal danne en meningsfuld ramme for ledere og medarbejdere i deres daglige indsats for virksomheden og give plads for forpligtigelse, ejerskab og effektivitet.

Vores tilgang er, at aftale en specifik fremgangsmåde i den enkelte opgave. Opgaveløsningen vil ofte omfatte interview med nøglepersoner, indsamling/registrering af fakta, afholdelse af workshops, benchmarking med andre virksomheder samt udarbejdelse og dokumentation af løsningsforslag med tilhørende businesscase eller tilsvarende. Vi har gennemført organisations-designs opgaver i mange typer virksomheder og organisationer, og vi har stor erfaring i at foreslå effektive og situationstilpassede løsninger.


Jesper Høegh
Bjarne Kastberg,

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